The site configuration is stored as YAML in ‘site.yaml’ in the root of the site.


A typical configuration (the one for this site) looks something like this:

version: 2

title: InContext
url: ""

port: 8003


  # Ignore temporary and hidden files.
  - when: '(.*/)?(\.DS_Store|.*~|\..*)'
    then: ignore

  # Import markdown files.
  - when: '.*\.(markdown|md)'
    then: markdown
        defaultCategory: recipes
        defaultTemplate: page.html

  # Import image files.
  - when: '(.*/)?.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|tiff|heic)'
    then: image
        category: images
        titleFromFilename: False
        defaultTemplate: photo.html
        inlineTemplate: image.html

  # Copy everything else.
  - when: '.*'
    then: copy


title-(string)”>title (String)

Site title.

Available to templates as site.title.

port-(int,-default-=-8000)”>port (Int, Default = 8000)

Port number used for the local development server.

Both the Helper app and command-line app use the port number when creating a local development server. When running multiple development servers for different sites (the Helper app will do this by default), you should ensure you select different ports for each sites.