Single Page

The simplest template renders the HTML contents of a single document, processing any inline Tilt in the document’s contents.

    <title>{{ site.title }}</title>
    <h1>{{ incontext.titlecase(document.title) }}</h1>
    {{ document.render() }}
    <p>Published {{"MMMM d, yyyy") }}</p>

Index Pages

It’s very common to want to list all documents within a specific category, with a specific tag, or within a specific tree structure. For example, the following template uses Tilt’s Lua code-blocks to iterate over the current document’s immediate children and output an unordered list:

    <title>{{ site.title }} &mdash; {{ incontext.titlecase(document.title) }}</title>
    <h1>{{ incontext.titlecase(document.title) }}</h1>
    {{ document.render() }}
      {% for _, child in ipairs(document.children) do %}
        <li><a href="{{ document.url }}">{{ incontext.titlecase(child.title) }}</a></li>
      {% end %}