The site configuration is stored as YAML in 'site.yaml' in the root of the site.


A typical configuration (the one for this site) looks something like this:

version: 2

title: InContext
url: ""

port: 8003


  # Ignore temporary and hidden files.
  - when: '(.*/)?(\.DS_Store|.*~|\..*)'
    then: ignore

  # Import markdown files.
  - when: '.*\.(markdown|md)'
    then: markdown
        defaultCategory: recipes
        defaultTemplate: page.html

  # Import image files.
  - when: '(.*/)?.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|tiff|heic)'
    then: image
        category: images
        titleFromFilename: False
        defaultTemplate: photo.html
        inlineTemplate: image.html

  # Copy everything else.
  - when: '.*'
    then: copy


version (String)

Configuration version.

This is expected to change quickly as the latest iteration of InContext stabilises. During this initial development phase, only the latest version (currently version 2) will be supported, but there are plans to offer backwards compatibility where possible following a period of stabilisation.

title (String)

Site title.

Available to templates as site.title.

url (URL)

Public URL for the site.

Where the site will be hosted. It's available to templates as site.url and will be used by the Helper app and command-line app to open the site in the system browser.

port (Int, Default = 8000)

Port number used for the local development server.

Both the Helper app and command-line app use the port number when creating a local development server. When running multiple development servers for different sites (the Helper app will do this by default), you should ensure you select different ports for each sites.